Aurora as seen over Potter Marsh, Anchorage Alaska
penthouse roof camsouth side
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Station Manager
This is a United States Air Force Military Affiliate
Service Facility or AFMARS Station.
weather station inside cam

This is a recent view of inside the station. Click the pic to enlarge.

Mama Black Bear with 3 cubs Jul 2017Mama Bear and her cubs Jul 17Mama Blackie with a cub Jul 2018
Black Bears near the Station location (click to enlarge)
Today we are also known as the "JBER Radio Club" or  "JBER MARS Station" as we are a multi-service club.  
We continue to maintain a fully operational station for our Active Duty Members,
their Dependents, Civilian Employees and Retirees.  We are co-located with the Civil Air Patrol in
building 16322 also known as R1 North.
The station also supports both the US Air Force and US Army Military Auxiliary Radio Service
(MARS) on a 24/7 basis as a Message Center for Region Ten as well as an operating location for MARS Operators.
Sponsored by DoD Directive (DoDD) 4650.2, Army Manual 6, Army Regulation 25–6 as well as AFI 17-210.
Department of Defense Instruction 4650.02, dated 20 December 2021 changed the status of MARS from an affiliate
to an auxiliary (equal in status to the Coast Guard Auxiliary and Civil Air Patrol).
We are capable of operating from 160m to 33cm.  HF antennas are a HyGain TH-11DX (2020),
a 43 ft DX Engineering Vertical (2012), a 900 foot HF loop mounted on utility poles. 
6 meters uses a 5 element yagi.  There is even a military TD90 type Folded Dipole up. 
The rest of the VHF and up use a combination of VHF/UHF Yagis and verticals.  HF Station
consists of an Yaesu FT 857D, IC-7200, 2x Icom IC-7610's with two Icom IC-PW1's (one kilowatt
solid state amplifier).  

We have in the station multiple VHF radios with KPC TNC's for things like 
2 VHF Digipeaters. We host 3 WINLINK RMS's - 2m (1200), 1.25m (9600) and 70cm (9600).

For Field Day we have in our go kit- 
Kenwood TS-570D and Icom V/UHF Dual Band mobile.  An A3S Tri Band
Yagi and a Double G5RV dipole.  Plus all the bits and pieces that Hams always need in the field.
There is also privately owned radio gear in use by members adding additional capabilities.

Look for KL7AIR and KL7USA on the air at any time.  
The station is active in most major Amateur events.

2345   dxcc

The KL7AIR Repeater
Vertex 5000
146.67 Minus Split 103.5 PL

Located on Joint Base Elmendorf-Richardson

We QSL 100%
This includes LOTW, QRZ, EQSL, CLUB LOG and HRDLOG online.

Want a Paper Card?  
Use the Bureau system or if direct a SASE or a SAE and $1 dollar US if your not stateside.
The US Postal Service no longer issues them and these days few
employees know how to redeem them.
Stateside, you only need a USPS First Class Stamp to reach us!

Our Current QSL Cards

  Ftrich   4567


Maidenhead Grid Square Location Tool

Reverse Beacon Mapping Tool

Alaska VHF and Up Group


Our Mailing address: 

P.O. Box 6014
JBER, AK 99506

Copyright @ 1996-2024 by the Elmendorf Amateur Radio Society   
All Rights Reserved

Last Updated 25  Feb 2024